Monday, January 14, 2008

Wedding Day Card Messages

I must go, hello! - I must be going, hello! Spring arrived

not confused the title of album of Phil Collins, no attempt to listen in reverse ;-) ... I was not editing the picture of my previous post to give aspect of painting.
The title is probably not due to publish more photos on this blog, but I'm not really goodbye, because I started a couple of days ago a new blog: "Essence" I hope to update daily, only with drawings and pastel paintings rather than photographs.
To all who visited me over the years, I appreciate your company, comments and support, to those who come to this site for the first time, I suggest you take the time to cross it to see some of the charms of Incarnation and its surroundings.
I hope that both sides will join me in this new way to start to go.
I have not confused Phil Collins album's title, normally I'm trying to play it backwards ;-) Neither Have I edited last post's picture to make it it appears as a painting. I chose this weird title Because I'll stop posting photos to this blog, but I'm not saying goodbye, Since I just started a new one: Essence That I INTEND to update daily with pastel paintings or drawings INSTEAD of pictures.
'm grateful for the visits, comments and support received until now, and I hope you'll come along that new path I'm starting.
See you!


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