You have this myth because they have waged war with Peru, and need a nationalist myth to explain that the Incas were colonialists and solve their problems. This is a topic of the oligarchies, not history. There has been domination, I can not deny, but in the Bolivian Andes has no need of the colonial Inca, because we had no war with Peru. The Aymara Inca assume different horizon. There have been partnerships with the state and against him. The fact that I resist the domination of whites against Indians did not mean to accept Indian domination over Indians. My role is to denounce all forms of oppression as a committed intellectual. Now many bad consolation of fools. If you shield you from your colonial attitudes, saying they too are colonists, then too bad for you.
Based on these structures more functional and positive, what would a contemporary current model?
There is actually quite clear, for example the crisis of some systems of social organization as savage capitalism, which has destroyed our chances of survival as a species on the planet. And how statist socialist left us a taste of dictatorship. In those poles which alternative is, as a communitarian society. A community self-management space, democracy, plurality and articulation of diversity. That should work out of the living state capitalism of financial bubbles. There emerges the indigenous rationality must be reinvented, not assume it as is, no machismo or indigenous alcoholism, but to rethink in the community.
participate in future discussions on the situation in BOLIVIA, Miguel Vargas Claure, former Consul of Bolivia and President of the Secretariat Migrant Citizenship Chile and Hector Pezoa, vice president of the Association. Tuesday 23 November at the library 18 hours in Le Monde Diplomatique, San Antonio 434, Local 14, Santiago. Spread: Ukhamawa News Killer Whales Habitatdiorama
Chile: Public Statement National Association of Rural Women and Indigenous ANAMURI Sylvia |
That having completed a process of education and training on international instruments such as Convention 169 of ILO As women we care about the education of our children and deal with this we require the State to incorporate in the curricula our history, worldview, and learning from our native languages.
Spread: Ukhamawa News Friday, November 26, 2010Best Funny Welcome Message For A Blog
Cusicanqui Rivera: "We live in a republican colonialism" Public Statement |
What are the general terms of its presentation at the Book Fair?
One element is the adoption of verb forms, making multi agendas but only in words. People talk while you have maids at home, then obviously they are not willing to decolonization because it would wash dishes, but do not speak the subject and prefer to use nice words. Colonialism has words like masking paper, we live in a republican colonialism. Taking
history, indigenous peoples also had colonial practices as the Incas. You talk a lot of women in indigenous models. For You talk about the hybridization of cultures not mestizo. all depends on how they coexist. If I say that is multi-ethnic dance is a lady with false eyelashes and moving your body as bataclana, then no thanks. Each must recognize the Indian mestizo leading in and what should raise a valid interlocutor and coexists with that contradiction. Also we retrieve items from Western culture, for example the notion of person, freedom and equality. It is the world where opposites coexist without melting. Mules are hybrids, they are also sterile. The white man thinks it is not universal. It is the most specific. Servitude in the United States is Latino. That's the strongest lag and the same happens here too. With these patterns we are promoting colonialism. In the visual arts, there are the indigenous and mestizo. It has given a particularly strong in the world. This is an example of fusion. Normal
Source: The Telegraph Spread: Ukhamawa News Wednesday, November 24, 2010 |
2. About our Coastal Marine Area Law Native Peoples (Law Lafkenche) indicates that it is conducting its application in various parts of Lafkenmapu, while communicating to the Mapuche nation, especially women, we will use our international instruments such as ILO Convention 169, the Declaration Indigenous Peoples Nations and other instruments or actions which permit full compliance with our rights to access and use of the coastline.
3. In relation to the General Law of Education, we challenge the State of Chile to respect the proposed articles from our Lafkenche Mapuche Nation, which incorporate the teaching of language, history, cosmology, cosmogony, and culture of our people.
We attempt to practical and immediate application of this legal instrument in the establishments where they educate our children.
4. We reject the continued abuse of freedom of expression exerted by mass media in Chile, with no treatment or biased, manipulative and discriminatory coverage of protest events of our people. remind the Chilean press that these acts constitute a serious violation of ILO Convention 169, which states that the media have a duty to respect and non-discrimination against indigenous peoples, while prohibits the dissemination of prejudices against indigenous peoples. While the State is responsible for this violation, not punish such acts.
5. We demand the implementation of international instruments in the construction of solutions to the problems of our people, particularly the Mapuche Women Lafkenche. This implies a rethinking of the existing state structure, in a look that feels its bases in the continent's collective principles originating in the ABIA YALA (ancient territories).
6. Lafkenche Mapuche women express our disagreement with the misrepresentation of the implementation of ILO Convention 169, specifically with regard to consultation processes.
7. Lafkenche Mapuche women (grandmothers, mothers, sisters and daughters) requires non-implementation of the Terrorism Act as a resource and strategy of the State to prosecute the Mapuche People, to defend their collective territorial rights.
8. Solidarity with the mobilization undertaken by the women of Lota, and urge the Government of Chile a policy that will dignify and protect the integrity of women in fair access and job performance.
9. Finally, we adhere, as Lafkenche Mapuche women, the Futa trawün to be held from 26 to 28 November at the Cerro Ñelol of Temuco, Self-Organized leaders and traditional authorities, and which define the true Mapuche political agenda. We extend a special invitation to all women in the Meli Wutran Mapu to be part of this historic process.
WOMEN Lafkenche Mapuche
Northern Territory Tirúa Quidico-Ponotro Territory
Tirúa Territory South Budi Territory Trehuaco Territory (Theodore Schmidt) Territory San Juan de la Costa Valdivia Territory Fresia Territory Territory Puerto Montt Hualaihue Territory ( Palena) Mapuche Parliament Delegates Andean Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations (IOTC)
Photo: Bio Bio Tribune Saturday, November 20, 2010 |
The outstanding singer Beatriz Pichi Malen Argentina Mapuche will give a concert in Santiago on Wednesday 24 November, from 21 am, in room Alameda Art Film
The director of the Association of Municipal and Community Stations of Andalusia in Radio and Television (EMA RTV) member of CECOPI, Manuel Chaparro, said that municipalities that worked in this project are Calamarca, Ayo Ayo, Viacha Pucarani, Battles, Laja, Quiripujo communities, and Catavi Corapata plus the District 8 of the city of El Alto. This course priority was given to the participants speak in their native language, Aymara.
Source: La Prensa, Bolivia Spread: Ukhamawa News Monday, November 15, 2010 |
Play Program Source: Bulletin Fertile Earth Photo: Sunday, November 7, 2010 |
Indigenous women raise our voice in these times when the womb Abya Yala is back with pain Libertarian Party, which beget new Pachakutik to the Good Life on the planet.
Being female carriers, transmitters of identity, generating and nurturers of life, axes families and society as complementary to men, join our bellies to the womb of mother earth to give birth to new times, which in several countries in Latin America by the millions of impoverished Neoliberal system raise your voice to say ENOUGH to oppression, exploitation and pillage of our resources, so we joined the liberation struggles that have been deployed across our continent.
In order to find ways to eliminate injustice, discrimination and violence against women, sexism and return to the forms of mutual respect and harmonious in the planetary life, we gather and unite our hearts, our minds, our hands and our bellies. whereas women are part of nature and the macrocosm, we are called to care for and defend it because it shows our ancient history and culture that make us who we are indigenous people under the protection and spiritual guidance our parents and grandparents who gave birth to all beings who inhabit this wonderful planet, a few oligarchs and imperialists seek plague of death in the name of their god called greed.
From our rebel hearts summon, invite, to * Construct an agenda that reflects the collective rights and human rights of indigenous women to defend our Mother Earth, strengthening our organizations, promoting policy proposals for training and create opportunities for exchange experiences in different fields, economic, political, social, cultural and others. * International Organizations Urge Reform of instruments related to indigenous peoples, so as to incorporate the rights of women. Strongly Reject the pursuit of social protest and repression demonstrations and official actions to defend the rights of the territories and lives of indigenous peoples. * Require a true nation-states integral agrarian reform that ensures land to preserve food sovereignty. * Encourage States to create structures and policies of care and protection of the migrants, taking into account cultural diversity. * Sue states to be declared indefeasible, inalienable and unalienable lands and territories, demanding the respective degree. * Support the establishment of the Court to require Climate developed countries and transnational corporations to repair and prevent damage to the biodiversity of the Pachamama. Reject agrofuels because impoverished land and threatening food sovereignty and the life of the natural ecosystem. * cessation of the genocide and ethnocide, particularly affecting indigenous peoples, committed by military, paramilitary and other actors, assault, intimidate and violate the rights. Do not want any more widows, more orphaned. fight for peace, for life and dignity worldwide. * Stop implemented by violence: military and multinational corporations and some NGOs, which create divisions within communities, especially in women. This entails different types of violence, physical, psychological, sexual, political, economic, symbolic, institutional, among others. Source: * Require the freedom of women and men who are detained in civilian and military prisons for their struggle in defense of Mother Earth and Territories and collective rights of indigenous peoples, as in the case of Juana Calfunao the Mapuche people, and Leonard Peltier, serving a life sentence in State prisons Together. * Demand the immediate withdrawal of foreign multinational companies that are in the territories and which are exploiting the motherland and undermining the environmental ecosystem. * Promote the worldwide mobilization in defense of Mother Earth "I walked everywhere, but I have never negotiated with the blood of my people" Transit Amaguaña Mapuche: Beatriz Pichi Malen Ecuador: Monica Chuji Honduras: Bertha Cáceres Mexico: Gloria Muñoz English State - CONADEA: Aida Quinatoa Nicaragua: Rose Cunningham Spread: Ukhamawa News http://ukhamawa.blogspot . com
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