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El Alto - Bolivia: Rural Women are trained in communication
Some 120 women
Aymara highland municipalities of La Paz and El Alto finalized media training courses organized by the Centre for Education and Communication for Communities and Indigenous Peoples (CECOPI) Atipiri Radio 840 AM, EMA RTV and the Junta de AndalucĂa of Spain. Tania Ayma CECOPI director, explained that this is one of the most valuable, "because this is the first popular group of reporters that are finishing their training process and this means that both Atipiri Radio and other broadcasters in the municipalities involved will have news diverse communities and neighborhoods of the city of El Alto. The communication project "I always I heard you, now you get to hear "involves more than 400 Aymara women in various communities and municipalities to know their rights, have lost their fear of speaking and mainly managed to regain their self-esteem, taking into account the patriarchal and colonial which are still alive.
The director of the Association of Municipal and Community Stations of Andalusia in Radio and Television (EMA RTV) member of CECOPI, Manuel Chaparro, said that municipalities that worked in this project are Calamarca, Ayo Ayo, Viacha Pucarani, Battles, Laja, Quiripujo communities, and Catavi Corapata plus the District 8 of the city of El Alto. This course
priority was given to the participants speak in their native language, Aymara.
Source: La Prensa, Bolivia Spread: Ukhamawa News http:// ukhamawa.blogspot.com "Yes" in the Aymara language (Bartolinas.blogspot.com)
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