Monday, November 29, 2010

Killer Whales Habitatdiorama

Chile: Public Statement National Association of Rural Women and Indigenous ANAMURI Sylvia


In of the Commune Padre Hurtado, 23 and 24 November 2010 brought together the representatives of the Aymara, Colla, diaguita Mapuche Mapuche williche affiliated with ANAMURI as part of our National Assembly, declare the national public opinion and internationally as follows:

That having completed a process of education and training on international instruments such as Convention 169 of ILO demand to enforce the State main provisions of this international instrument such as the right to consultation and participation.

As women we care about the education of our children and deal with this we require the State to incorporate in the curricula our history, worldview, and learning from our native languages. face of state policies continue to privatize water, soil and seeds. We declare that we will continue mobilized to demand the repeal of the Water Code and the non-patentability of our seeds.

  1. demand the repeal of the Terrorism Act is currently in force and that criminalizing our struggles.
  2. folklorization and reject the use of our images in the media for the promotion of development programs and our capacity is not recognized as political subjects.
  3. As women we are committed to continue training in various international instruments to protect our rights that are present in the ILO Convention 169 and the Declaration
  4. United Nations on the Rights Indigenous Peoples 2007.
  5. consider essential alliances among women across the continent and from this House request to be part of the Continental Network of Indigenous Women.
  6. Finally, as women in solidarity with all women who get up and fight against all forms of discrimination and violence.