Sunday, January 30, 2011

Atypical Glandular Cells Info In 2010

In recent years the Real Madrid soon fell into cup and Champions League but at least have the consolation of the league, it seems that this year the team has two cards to play, the first is week and the final crown with Barcelona. The second is clearly the curse of Lyon or otherwise continue to get qualified for the quarter after so many years.
I do not think you can play double or nothing being Madrid, the team is made to fight all the time and there is nothing.
certainly worth noting that the team defending, attacking and played better to start than now. Mou mismanagement, double pivot in the kingdom with Sami and Lass, where Barn and another question someone knows what plays the team watching the game today.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Does Herpes Prodrome Feel Like

UMSS Ecuador: Indigenous women leaders training culminate


Riobamba, January 28, 2011 . Since August of 2010 began the process of training to eighty-five indigenous women leaders, in the cantons of Alausí, Guamote, Colta Riobamba and Chimborazo province, from grassroots indigenous movement in the province.

The mode of training was conducted in each of the cantons, with a meeting each month, where he addressed issues of domestic violence - women's rights and family, multi-ethnic and inter-state , water law and consultation, food sovereignty and leadership and organizational management, content that were prioritized according to the agreement signed between the Comiche and UNIFEM.

As a result of this process training indigenous women have been elected as leaders in grassroots organizations, not only to comply with gender equity, but as an exercise of their rights as indigenous women, is the beginning of a process of building the good life sumak kawsay within multinational state.

As part of the closure of the Strengthening organizational and political identity of grassroots women's organizations affiliated to Comiche, regional meeting was held to exchange experiences of 22 and 23 of this month, Indian Home the city of Riobamba, in the presence of women leaders from four provinces Bolivar, Tungurahua, Pichincha and Chimborazo.

And finally women's organizations held a provincial meeting and exhibition of gastronomy and handcrafts, as part of the celebration of the centenary of the birth of Leonidas Proaño Papa, on Friday 28 January in the backyard of the Comiche.

Orlando Caiza

Red ecuachaski - Sierra Region

Spread: Ukhamawa News
"Yes" in the Aymara language

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Whats That Instramental Song

Calfunao longko Juana: "A Piñera's presidency is not going to make it easy"

In the context of the efforts that the new self-called Mapuche Wallmapu Futa inconsulto trawün made against misrecognition draft constitution, the Lof longko of Juan Paillalef made statements in relation to freedom of Mapuche political prisoners, the situation of children convicted of the antiterrorism law and respect towards the authorities must be ancestral Mapuche ...
Longko Juana Calfunao: "A Piñera la presidencia no se le va a hacer fácil"
The government takes some time and was not given the importance of the Mapuche people have not given importance to the issue of the brothers who are prisoners, I was personally with Mr. Hinzpeter (Interior Minister) and Mr. Larroulet (Minister Secretary General of the Presidency), they so far have not given any kind of compliance.
I want to say the current government and its ministers as the time they are finished, they have to think that is 4 years old and have not worried about the Mapuche issue, they made their final account and do not even include the people issues Mapuche, here there is no respect, there must be dialogue with the authorities traditional judicialized youth are using the antiterrorism law and that was not the deal, they said very clearly that it was withdrawing the law, would withdraw the complaints, they would leave our people free and so far have failed.
The people will mobilize, let's make movements between Mapuche and non Mapuche and the situation gets more complicated because they are responsible, not have the capacity, nor height, nor had a defined policy our people.
We are tired of promises and lies of each government, actually the situation allows for more, wait no longer, will continue the recovery, longko going to support us, we will besiege the road again, the government should have the responsibility to work with the Mapuche people and their authorities, we are who we voice, we carry the policy, which are responsible for all concerns our people.
So, forget your "vase" Araucanía Plan, a plan that is purely to extinguish our people, and laws and all that sort of thing, again is a practice of genocide Araucanía Plan, and we are not going to allow.
Here you will have to make an agreement with us, we are the ones who have to direct our economic resources, we are the ones who know the needs that we can not come to implement a thing that we have no interference with it, suits them best but we do not work because it will come to destroy.
I also remind Mr. Piñera said he would create thousands of jobs, but seems to have dyslexia, it has generated thousand layoffs, and in the case of the Araucanía region has a high rate of dismissals Mapuche Here is everywhere provoking incidents, Mapuche and non Mapuche are organized to fight hard, with students, social organizations and of all kinds, so Mr. Piñera the presidency is not going to make it easy, so take a decision, take quick deal with us because we will not wait.
Mostly everything that does not kill me makes me stronger. Mapuche We are not afraid of jail, which is a means of repression that has no jurisdiction over us, and the fear of jail here is not going to be, if we want to take detainees to do so.
We are claiming ancestral right, we're not assaulting or robbing their people as they do in reality, projects and financing of silver thrown into the pocket, we are defending the right to life to exist of our people.
I have not scared him to jail, I have no fear of justice, I have no fear to private agents and I have no fear to anyone, I'm afraid I was born without a person born to defend my people and my people, and for that I am. ---
* Text transcribed from the statements of Jeanne Calfunao, video captured on 29 December 2010.
taken from: Mapuexpress

Monday, January 24, 2011

Merilyn Sakova Kitchen Master

worst case and other hoaxes Di Stefano

Don Alfredo signed after negotiations in which its representative concluded agreements with both teams after the trade between the two clubs came to an agreement that would play two years at Real and then two at the club in the last moment then echo back the Barca president who refused to share the player because he believed him when at any time the club business with the team he came Millonarios Di Stefano, on the contrary, Real did, and a match was played to close the deal between the teams. But the legends in the cave which was mediatica Madrid Barcelona who through French pressure to keep the Barça Kubala and Di Stefano played together because Franco was unclear why Madrid and the tops of the Generalissimo of the club almost always won and Athletic Bilbao and Real Madrid won in Europe where I know the dictator that did not send a lot and in league where the arbitration do not have as much as in a tournament elimination. Then after that argument can some Guruceta mention the penalty of which clearly shows that all were in favor of the Madrid, well I've seen pictures of the penalty and that is the truth away from the area but the facts I refer, as often they are wrong referees and other questions can make such a statement of a specific action and may never be mistaken for the club. Well the history of journalism was so discounting blaugrana wins Madrid because for one reason or another as we do not have the wins the Blaugrana as if Madrid wins the league going up disaster of the season with a team that was only because he was given breed is the league's other teams, well now that Barca wins rowing continues to attempt not, waste time on empty talk to enough people calan Despite not having too many reasons to show serious charges. One coach said it was an obsession for Barca win the Champions League in Madrid, then was not so incidentally is a fantastic city with its pros and cons like all cities in the world and an ideal place to host the Bernabeu and I think a final that the majority of Real Madrid will host the final matter each year who won won. Anyway I must also say that there is some sort that is not held in Cibeles when the ship was off the end but it is worth noting that four · Cats Those who went to the plaza to harass the goddess of stupid, because these four are not Real Madrid are anticulés. (Cat / a: colloquial natives received from Madrid, it is said that you cat if you Madrid's third generation that is all your grandparents and parents are difficult thing in Madrid Madrid is a city of immigrants and migrants and requirement that the vast majority of breach, is also said that the name comes from the French war which Madrid is up and walked across the rooftops to attack, throw stones or whatever against the French occupation army) Anyway I would reel off the history of Real Madrid starting with the ancestor of the project and the man who built the best team of all time but should be in future editions. Naismith14

Play Pokemon Emerald Free And Save

are already looking forward to Champions

always happens around this time and I guess I'm not alone, that I start to become impatient waiting for the knockout round of the coveted Champions tournament par excellence, which has more class and I thank the French for inventing the tournament, thanks including the holder that launched a French sports newspaper, which was something like the Stade Reims is the best club in the world ¨ counterpart other half of Europe thought it was the mother who had been measured against teams American conquering and at that time had very powerful leagues and teams because the players were there ¨ and she had the idea in part Bernabeu proposed to create a tournament in which the disposition of the best club in Europe and later and all stood forecasts for Real against Stade Reims because they were the two best teams of the moment and the known alignment Real Madrid at the time were added the Kopa, Templin and Bliard to name a few in the Stade curiosity and good as Madrid began losing 2 to 0 in Paris at the Parc des Princes and just 3-4 in what was one of the seeds of the epic comebacks of Madrid is now unfortunately are uncommon outside the home. Picking up the thread
new special mention to the great skill of the French to organize international competitions rated as best in their sport or see the Tour Roland Garros as examples and which lately have brought glory to teams and athletes country.
still missing nearly a month until 21 and February 22 to roll the ball of round and we're all looking forward to seeing it. Naismith14

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Poop Is Orange After Magnesium Citrate

FAO warns of inequality faced by women in rural Mexico

Rome, 21 feb (EFE) .- The United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO ) today warned of growing inequalities experienced by women in rural areas and opted to take measures to reduce gender differences in rural employment sector.

This follows from the report "Gender issues in agricultural and rural employment: differentiated pathways out of poverty", prepared by FAO together with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and International Labour Organization ( ILO) released today.

According to the text, women get fewer benefits to rural employment and facing new challenges due to economic crisis.

"Although gender inequality varies considerably between different regions and sectors, there is evidence that, globally, women receive less benefit of rural employment (either paid employment or self-employed) men.

report stands out among its conclusions the need to promote female education and to adopt additional measures to address these differences.
also need to recognize the economic contribution of unpaid work, take steps to reduce and redistribute the burden of housework and support gender equality.

"Recent economic and financial crisis has slowed the process towards greater gender equality" and decent work for women in agriculture and rural areas in recent years.

According to FAO, with job losses and cuts in social infrastructure and services has increased "the burden on women to care for others and unpaid work, so that their financial contribution to food security relative decline. "

The report, which seeks to promote debate on the importance of women in rural economic growth and poverty reduction, examines further issues such as migration and the feminization of rural activities, international trade and diversification of the economy rural and child labor.
also said employment, segmentation, the pay gap between men and women and fewer hours of paid work but with a higher workload as some of the factors behind the economic disadvantage suffered by women.

"90 percent of the wage gap by gender in the developed or developing countries can not be justified: in other words, should be attributed to gender discrimination."
To overcome this situation, the FAO says is needed greater access to education, training, credit, markets, technical assistance and protection employment and an equitable and secure access to land and other assets.

It also requires "social capital" that allows women to participate equally with men in farmers' organizations to increase their contribution to national development and poverty reduction.

70 percent of the 1,400 million people living in extreme poverty in the developing world live in rural areas, FAO said. EFE


Camper Replacement Window

: doubles in 13 years violence against women in Jalisco

doubles in 13 years, violence against women in Jalisco

For Gladis Torres Ruiz
Mexico City, 21 Jan 11 (CIMAC) .- Women and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Jalisco protested against the killings of women in the state, which have increased nearly 50 percent in a period of 13 years. So far this year six women have been killed in a malicious way.
In a telephone interview Ponce Guadalupe Ramos, Coordinator of the Committee in Mexico in Latin America and the Caribbean for the Defense of Women's Rights (Cladem-Mexico) said that in 2010 there were 81 intentional killings of women, while in 2009 58, ie the number nearly doubled.
The activist alleged that despite this, the issue has been minimized, "we have repeatedly requested the Jalisco Institute for Women (IJM), is activated Gender Violence Alert in the state, however it has been rejected" .

criticized the president of IJM, Carmen Lucía Pérez Camarena, voted in favor of a possible warning to the State of Mexico during the last meeting of the National System for Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women, and that when Jalisco organizations have applied for that entity, it minimizes the problem.

words, the authorities responsible for protecting the lives of women are leaving out that femicide is increasing, since "2010, breaking all records set in the incidence of intentional killings of women."

recalled that since 1997, Jalisco civil organizations began to register the first intentional killings against women, in that year was 40, for 1998, 44.

According to research data from the doctoral thesis "Geo-Analysis of Femicide in Jalisco, Mexico. 1997-2007 ", by Professor Maria Guadalupe Ramos Ponce, the institution ranks third nationally in murders of women.

Against this background, the organizations held today a political-cultural, outside the Palacio de Gobierno de Jalisco where they laid an offering of 81 crosses in memory of women murdered last year and two wreaths in memory of the defenders Human Rights, Marisela Escobedo and Susana Chavez killed in Chihuahua.

activists participated in the event and representatives from organizations such as Feminist Agenda, National Citizens' Watch and Cladem Femicide.
Cladem is a regional organization with consultative status in category II to the Economic and Social Commission of the United Nations (UN) since 1985 and since 2002, has the power to participate in activities of the Organization of American States (OAS).

Source: CIMAC

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Make Albert Einstein Wig

Bolivia: Aymara women will Atipiri Radio announcers

La Paz, 19 Jan (Erbol / Servindi) .- In order to train the Aymara women in radio communication, and can thus exercise their right to information and communication takes place 10 months the project "I've always heard, now you get to hear" in the department of La Paz.

The project currently underway in the municipalities of Ayo Ayo, Calamarca, Viacha, Battles, Laja, Pucarani and Quiripujo communities, Corapata, Catavi Oquitii and Suriquiña. There have been parallel conducted 4 workshops in El Alto.

The initiative came from the Center on Education and Communication for Communities and Indigenous Peoples (CECOPI), together with the Association of Municipal and Community Stations in Andalusia EMA RTV radio and television, and the Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (Aacid ) Board of Andalusia in Spain. As explained Tania

Ayma, project manager and current director of CECOPI, the main goal is to ensure that women "are not afraid to speak, be empowered through the exercise of the word and little by little to exercise a citizenship worthy and responsible. "

The training, which are for the Aymara women, seeking to recover the orality of the logic aymara. To do this, it looks as benefiting primarily women who have not had the opportunity to receive literacy.

trainers group is comprised of bilingual and social commitment.

This training is both theoretical and practical and includes language radio, the radio genres, news, coverage of sources, and especially the gender perspective from the news that they themselves generate.

Women in training receive educational materials (exercise books and pens) as well as a training manual for radio Aymara women, developed to facilitate training.

As part of the practice stage, Aymara women must submit news from their communities of origin. This exercise enables them to receive their credentials management communicators during 2011.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pinacle Studio 10 Quickstart Sn

Mexico: Diploma for Strengthening Indigenous Women's Leadership 2011

Fund United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
Center Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities (CEIICH)
Mexico Multicultural Nation University Programme (PUMC)
National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI)
Alliance of Indigenous Women of Central America and Mexico (ALLIANCE)

Convened by:

The Diploma aims to contribute to capacity building of indigenous women, Mexican women leaders through discussion, reflection and evaluation of reality in which they are embedded, from their perspective and supported by cross-cultural comparison of experiences related, sponsored by the graduate faculty.

The immediate objectives will focus on:
develop personal capacities for dialogue and political management of the participating women.
extend the knowledge of participants on the current situation of indigenous women in their countries, whose recent trajectories point to important differences in the relationship between the state and indigenous peoples, as well as forms of participation of indigenous women leaders in the process of redefinition of the relationship.

Participants may participate indigenous Mexican women who meet the following requirements:
• Be leaders in their regions of origin, in any form (exercise any function of authority in their original cargo systems, to be teachers or educational developers, to sponsor cultural, to be promoting human rights.)
• owned by indigenous communities and organizations.
• Preferably be speaking their native languages \u200b\u200b.
• Have a university degree or technical. Otherwise, equivalent experience.

Methodology and ways of working
To meet the proposed objectives and provide specific content to the modules of the diploma that empowers indigenous women than expedite, apply the following methodological and practical resources:
a) Promote forms equitable teaching from the recognition of indigenous women as epistemic subjects as historical subjects and as subjects of rights.
b) Assistance in the development of "Proposals for Indigenous women's agenda in the second half of the decade of the century ", which is definitive for a process of mutual listening that facilitates the production of new knowledge through the interaction of ancestral knowledge and academic knowledge. This will contribute to the implementation of new technologies, developing an electronic record of the Diploma development, indigenous women may be doing a story of their work. From this, the group of participants will identify focal points for the elaboration of the above agenda, including the challenges, challenges and actions that require an immediate commitment of incidence.
c) To facilitate the dissemination of the proposals made by participants while respecting their authorship.

structure of the graduate curriculum
According to the guidelines of the UNAM for the delivery of graduates and the provision of documentary evidence for this degree includes 140 hours of theoretical and practical work, divided into 6 modules (corresponding to 96 contact hours ), advisory work (20 hours) and carrying out advocacy proposal by the graduating candidates of the same (24 hours). Themed Content

Unit 1. Spirituality, TK and gender relations in indigenous

Objective: To exchange experiences among participants, as the indigenous region of membership, forms of organization and participation in leadership.

Methods: Contents
knowledge Dialogue.

1. Preparation and presentation of autobiographies.
2. IK.
3. Relationship between indigenous knowledge and non-indigenous.
4. Indigenous system, spirituality, ceremonies and religious leaders.
5. Indigenous Wisdom: relationship with the spiritual worldview and territorial.
6. Duality, complementarity. Comprehensiveness. Multiple identities. Gender relations and multiculturalism.
7. Forms of oppression against women in the name of tradition.
8. Indigenous women's role in the cultural reproduction of the people and the building of leadership, from the identification and appropriation of their knowledge.
9. Art, identity and gender relations.

Unit 2. Social movements, indigenous women and relations with the state
Objective: To promote collective reflection on the role of women in indigenous mobilizations.

Methodology: The State current demonstrations, indigenous organizations and demands which include women.


1. Historical process of formation of the indigenous movement.
2. Analysis of organizational processes and policy proposals of the movement of women and indigenous peoples.
3. Historic moments on the relationship between indigenous peoples and States.
4. Self-determination, autonomy and public policy making.
5. Alternative political participation of Indigenous Peoples: strengths and challenges.
6. Strategies of organization and participation of indigenous women.
7. Networks indigenous women:
8. Alliance of Indigenous Women of Mexico and Central America,
9. Continental Network of Indigenous Women FIMI.

Unit 3. Identity and rights of indigenous women
Objective: To reflect collectively on the presence of indigenous women in international instruments and national Human Rights

Methodology: Critical analysis of relevant institutional documents.


1. Human Rights: features, types of human rights.
2. Relationship between Human Rights and Indigenous Rights.
3. International Instruments Human Rights, Women's Rights and Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
4. UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. ILO Convention 169.
5. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at the UN and indigenous women.
6. The right of indigenous women to a life free of violence.
7. General Law on Women's Access to a life free of violence.
8. The rights of women and indigenous peoples in Mexico and other Latin American countries.
9. Review of National Policy Framework, provisions specifically applicable to persons belonging to an indigenous community or people.
10. States Constitution Mexico, General Law of Linguistic Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Federal Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code of Federal, Land Law, Law of the National Commission of Human Rights, Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination.
11. Review of the constitutions and the provisions applicable to persons and women belonging to indigenous community or people in the states of Oaxaca, Chiapas, Guerrero, Michoacán
12. Mechanisms for promoting and defending the rights of women and indigenous peoples.

Unit 4. Power relations, multiculturalism and indigenous women
Objective: Analyze the positions they occupy indigenous women about the power within and outside of indigenous movements, along with reflection on the terms and consequences thereof for their recognition as leaders.
Methodology: Exchange of experiences.

1. Indigenous women from the interrelations between various forms of oppression, racism, patriarchy, economic inequality, poverty, social exclusion, lack of freedom of expression, and others.
2. Violence against indigenous women.
3. Indigenous visions of the good life and gender relations.
4. Challenges to articulate the struggle of indigenous women and the global women's movement.

Unit 5. The leadership of indigenous women as builders and promoters of the new changes and challenges
Objective: To encourage self-recognition of indigenous women leaders as innovators and creators of social change

intercultural perspective Methodology: Development of advocacy proposals
1. Forms of leadership according to the organizing of indigenous peoples.
2. Main demands and challenges of indigenous women's organizations.
3. Management strategies of indigenous women's organizations.
4. Mapping States. Mapping, by the participants to identify needs and situation of each one of them.

Deadline for receipt of applications: February 4, 2010.
Documents to submit: Application and explanatory letter.

Selection of participants: 28 February 2011.
Results: 1st March 2011.
Date: April 25 to May 7, 2011.
Duration: 12 días/140 hours.

For more information please contact:
CEIICH-UNAM Academic Coordinator Martha Patricia Castillo Salgado

56 23 February 1922 ext. Contributor

Jahel López Guerrero
56 February 23 1922 ext. 42785 Academic Coordinator

Evangelina Garcia Mendizabal
56 April 16, 1996

PUMC Assistant Coordinator - UNAM
Citlali Quecha Reyna
56 October 16 1945 ext. 123

PUMC Assistant Coordinator - UNAM
Ana Karina Pérez Zamora
56 1600 20 ext. 221

Branch Training Processes and Social Organization CDI
Patricia Rosete Xotlanihua
91 83 21 00 ext. 7156 and 7171

Head of Department Gender CDI
Gloria Mejia

Alliance of Indigenous Women of Central America and Mexico indigenous
Methodological Coordinator of the Diploma in Mexico Guadalupe Martínez

Cel 044 55 16 77 97 98 Erika Sanchez

56 63 98 08
erika.poblano @

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Can Hydrogen Peroxide Bleach Face

Bolivia: Peasant Women Bartolina Sisa Native support and strengthen the process of change

For Abi - Agency - 10/01 / 2011

a Confederación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas Indígenas Originarias de Bolivia

The National Confederation of Peasant Women of Bolivia Indigenous Native "Bartolina Sisa "celebrated its thirty-first anniversary of the foundation - Abi Agency

PEACE Rural Development and Fight against Corruption Nilda Cup, Antonia Rodriguez, Nemesia Suxo Achacollo and Nardi, respectively, along with Senate President Rene Martinez.

"By turning 31 years of Peasant Women Bartolina Sisa, affirm our greater support for President Evo Morales and also support for strengthening the process of change with which we are fully identified," said the president of this organization, Julia Ramos.

Ramos, who was minister, added that this entity support the fight against smuggling contributing to the socialization of measures necessary for the development Bolivia.

In turn, the president of the federation of women Bartolinas of La Paz, Felipa Huanca, said, "rural women are part of the change process and follow the trail that marked Bartolina Sisa, fighting for the liberation of our people, an example which was followed by other brave women who fought for freedom and overcome discrimination. "

executive secretary of the Confederación Sindical Unica de Trabajadores Campesinos de Bolivia (CSUTCB), Roberto Korahites, recalled that "the Bartolinas born from the womb of the Confederation of Farmers, and today is a strong and combative, which Like all rural and indigenous sectors, promote the process of change and development of the country. "

In the act of celebration was tempered by music and dancing, also paid tribute to Isabel Ortega , Oruro peasant woman, who had the initiative to organize the Federation of Peasant Women Bartolina Sisa.



Spread: Ukhamawa News
"Yes" in the Aymara language

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Receptionist Cover Letters

Barca house runs out of gold.

What was to assume the second gold ball to another player raised and set in the house marked the second for the same player. A feast for Barcelona but it was not at all, in Catalonia, people preferred to Xavi of course, the first Catalan to win the Golden Ball. Well we have all been a disappointment but I think mostly people of Catalonia, it seemed that Pep was a nod to Xavier when I present in Catalan and his presence in the delivery, but when he read his face Messi was slow to react but then smiled because despite all he is a player on his team but do not doubt his slight disappointment must have felt cheated at the time.

Although it seems that in the Catalan sports press have some form of coercion to speak their mind, today I made another ode to the trillionth Messi, Messi of FC Barcelona win gold. " Where critical journalism is going, the whole life worshiping journalists Barca Catalan culture and putting it in the same boat mixing politics and sport, because the club we will not cheat club is a politicized, and when there really is an reason to defend a home player and recognize that he deserved more than anyone does Messi missing demonize nor do I think that is fair but the fact is that when the time is not able to speak their minds and the truth may be that they do not say not agree with Marca and As, because someone lit Catalonia think the other like-minded communities, all rowing the same direction but if what these enlightened aim is to differentiate from the rest of this attitude is the most English of all, in Spain the only thing we get from agreement is to take a piss.
Or perhaps they do not create uneasiness in the camp Barça or Barca express order some coaches as we hear them say they do not paint anything on these issues as if they do not paint. Because for that kind of journalism lapdogs do not have to be licensed or to a newspaper that the club published an official statement of congratulations to our players and we avoid wasting paper and ink.
A saludo.Naismith14.

Sd Mmc Card Reader Inspiron 1525

discredits the FIFA World Championship

Once again the planets lined up and looked like it was, after other decisions already sounded like the first Olympics since the city was not safe and you see that cheap excuse after the draft of the favelas, countries in general so that there are indeed clean shot to clean up the city ahead of the World Cup games and then to pass, will dead when time runs out or leave wash his image. Then the global
another topic, well the best bid and it appears that the idea was then expanded into new markets for both people Paripe with FIFA, because Russia still can understand the world in Qatar but if it is a dictatorship are free men and women no longer say, what happens after a mouthful of slogans that if Respect and Fair Play and after they to put money in the account and continue to deceive people.
Apart from this it is very serious we can not forget the resounding choice of Diego Forlan as World Player of thing that has not been reflected in the delivery of nowhere yesterday and which deserved more in yesterday because ultimately two titles and a fourth in the world but certainly did not deserve to win the global award perhaps there was no player among the finalists to choose someone, I can think Robben and Sneijder and Villa, Xavi, Iniesta and Casillas's not forget the World Cup did.
bad decisions have been taken by FIFA but the golden ball has been a disaster and we are not the only ones affected, the finalists are debatable in 2010 there have been players that title level and weight they exceeded since then I think Sneijder Messi should have been among the finalists and certainly more Forlan up at least among the top ten, no doubt that Messi is the best in the world but then the question is because Ronaldo was also perhaps made it worse in the world at least fell with honor before the world champions then not as Argentina endorsed them four Germans and that they would win the World Cup before leaving the bus only to have Maradona in the sidewalk. By the way speaking of the Germans I think that Bayern was a finalist for and won the Bundesliga champions and cup and the Germans were no others Where are the prizes? For players to choose had Lahm, Schweinsteiger, Muller. Of course it is a shame for Europe in general the choice of gold ball and more affected Italy, Netherlands, Germany and Spain. As well continue to choose to convert the award into a joke and other players in the past that deservedly won with will not have the recognition they deserve because the award will be made to laugh, because I think yesterday was just a joke distasteful. NAISMITH14

Monday, January 10, 2011

Houston Stomach Virus


Today's game yesterday reflected another Mou, that will make a special gathering for when the season ends, the offside double or triple that I and the number of CR7 goals.
Madrid gave a disturbing picture of inoperability defense and offense in the first minutes of the game, many saw the ghost of Barça dressed in yellow at the Bernabeu.
In another development yesterday Christian party was spectacular in sports and non-sporting good at what he was seen shaking hands with a rival after an inning, was correct in their celebrations and it seems silly but it is precisely this attitude more in keeping with the game was what allowed him to concentrate more on it and supposed to appear at an important time.
Talking about the play of the goal, it does very well out of double play but the Villarreal defender should have been more blunt in his area and clear, moreover this goal by Ronaldo it's great runs rises and reaches for the ball before the defense even though they are farther away, control and shoot with the left a half turn is a move to believe, claw and caste values \u200b\u200bthat Real Madrid has always welcomed and valued .
Moreover, the issue of arbitration tired and complaining because you can complain all teams and especially the small but Villarreal missed the game because he did not take his chance in the first half was dominated Madrid did not know where they appeared, but two clear errors after scoring the first goal changed tactics and are rearranged without pushing back a team that knows how to defend without the ball and tie them and second there were no capacity reaction to the Madrid rush the changes were defensive. In the overall winner Real Madrid was fair but not for a result with two-goal difference, was just a victory simply because he could counter the Villareal in the first half with goals by balancing the game and the second was higher.
Finally the issue of Hugo and Zarra record with 38 goals, CR7 exceed the record does continue with this average goals per game but I'm sure there will be a time that is not so inspired and may be jam a bit, though Cristiano best for me is its ability to make goals in different ways, from set pieces, the auction in the six yard box, individual move, shooting middle and long distance and one on one against the goalkeeper's ability to score in every game is very high.