Saturday, January 22, 2011

Camper Replacement Window

: doubles in 13 years violence against women in Jalisco

doubles in 13 years, violence against women in Jalisco

For Gladis Torres Ruiz
Mexico City, 21 Jan 11 (CIMAC) .- Women and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Jalisco protested against the killings of women in the state, which have increased nearly 50 percent in a period of 13 years. So far this year six women have been killed in a malicious way.
In a telephone interview Ponce Guadalupe Ramos, Coordinator of the Committee in Mexico in Latin America and the Caribbean for the Defense of Women's Rights (Cladem-Mexico) said that in 2010 there were 81 intentional killings of women, while in 2009 58, ie the number nearly doubled.
The activist alleged that despite this, the issue has been minimized, "we have repeatedly requested the Jalisco Institute for Women (IJM), is activated Gender Violence Alert in the state, however it has been rejected" .

criticized the president of IJM, Carmen Lucía Pérez Camarena, voted in favor of a possible warning to the State of Mexico during the last meeting of the National System for Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women, and that when Jalisco organizations have applied for that entity, it minimizes the problem.

words, the authorities responsible for protecting the lives of women are leaving out that femicide is increasing, since "2010, breaking all records set in the incidence of intentional killings of women."

recalled that since 1997, Jalisco civil organizations began to register the first intentional killings against women, in that year was 40, for 1998, 44.

According to research data from the doctoral thesis "Geo-Analysis of Femicide in Jalisco, Mexico. 1997-2007 ", by Professor Maria Guadalupe Ramos Ponce, the institution ranks third nationally in murders of women.

Against this background, the organizations held today a political-cultural, outside the Palacio de Gobierno de Jalisco where they laid an offering of 81 crosses in memory of women murdered last year and two wreaths in memory of the defenders Human Rights, Marisela Escobedo and Susana Chavez killed in Chihuahua.

activists participated in the event and representatives from organizations such as Feminist Agenda, National Citizens' Watch and Cladem Femicide.
Cladem is a regional organization with consultative status in category II to the Economic and Social Commission of the United Nations (UN) since 1985 and since 2002, has the power to participate in activities of the Organization of American States (OAS).

Source: CIMAC


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