In the context of the efforts that the new self-called Mapuche Wallmapu Futa inconsulto trawün made against misrecognition draft constitution, the Lof longko of Juan Paillalef made statements in relation to freedom of Mapuche political prisoners, the situation of children convicted of the antiterrorism law and respect towards the authorities must be ancestral Mapuche ...
SOURCE: ; Wall Futa trawün
The government takes some time and was not given the importance of the Mapuche people have not given importance to the issue of the brothers who are prisoners, I was personally with Mr. Hinzpeter (Interior Minister) and Mr. Larroulet (Minister Secretary General of the Presidency), they so far have not given any kind of compliance.
I want to say the current government and its ministers as the time they are finished, they have to think that is 4 years old and have not worried about the Mapuche issue, they made their final account and do not even include the people issues Mapuche, here there is no respect, there must be dialogue with the authorities traditional judicialized youth are using the antiterrorism law and that was not the deal, they said very clearly that it was withdrawing the law, would withdraw the complaints, they would leave our people free and so far have failed.
The people will mobilize, let's make movements between Mapuche and non Mapuche and the situation gets more complicated because they are responsible, not have the capacity, nor height, nor had a defined policy our people.
We are tired of promises and lies of each government, actually the situation allows for more, wait no longer, will continue the recovery, longko going to support us, we will besiege the road again, the government should have the responsibility to work with the Mapuche people and their authorities, we are who we voice, we carry the policy, which are responsible for all concerns our people.
So, forget your "vase" Araucanía Plan, a plan that is purely to extinguish our people, and laws and all that sort of thing, again is a practice of genocide Araucanía Plan, and we are not going to allow.
Here you will have to make an agreement with us, we are the ones who have to direct our economic resources, we are the ones who know the needs that we can not come to implement a thing that we have no interference with it, suits them best but we do not work because it will come to destroy.
I also remind Mr. Piñera said he would create thousands of jobs, but seems to have dyslexia, it has generated thousand layoffs, and in the case of the Araucanía region has a high rate of dismissals Mapuche Here is everywhere provoking incidents, Mapuche and non Mapuche are organized to fight hard, with students, social organizations and of all kinds, so Mr. Piñera the presidency is not going to make it easy, so take a decision, take quick deal with us because we will not wait.
Mostly everything that does not kill me makes me stronger. Mapuche We are not afraid of jail, which is a means of repression that has no jurisdiction over us, and the fear of jail here is not going to be, if we want to take detainees to do so.
We are claiming ancestral right, we're not assaulting or robbing their people as they do in reality, projects and financing of silver thrown into the pocket, we are defending the right to life to exist of our people.
I have not scared him to jail, I have no fear of justice, I have no fear to private agents and I have no fear to anyone, I'm afraid I was born without a person born to defend my people and my people, and for that I am. ---
* Text transcribed from the statements of Jeanne Calfunao, video captured on 29 December 2010.
taken from: Mapuexpress
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