Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Make Albert Einstein Wig

Bolivia: Aymara women will Atipiri Radio announcers

La Paz, 19 Jan (Erbol / Servindi) .- In order to train the Aymara women in radio communication, and can thus exercise their right to information and communication takes place 10 months the project "I've always heard, now you get to hear" in the department of La Paz.

The project currently underway in the municipalities of Ayo Ayo, Calamarca, Viacha, Battles, Laja, Pucarani and Quiripujo communities, Corapata, Catavi Oquitii and Suriquiña. There have been parallel conducted 4 workshops in El Alto.

The initiative came from the Center on Education and Communication for Communities and Indigenous Peoples (CECOPI), together with the Association of Municipal and Community Stations in Andalusia EMA RTV radio and television, and the Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (Aacid ) Board of Andalusia in Spain. As explained Tania

Ayma, project manager and current director of CECOPI, the main goal is to ensure that women "are not afraid to speak, be empowered through the exercise of the word and little by little to exercise a citizenship worthy and responsible. "

The training, which are for the Aymara women, seeking to recover the orality of the logic aymara. To do this, it looks as benefiting primarily women who have not had the opportunity to receive literacy.

trainers group is comprised of bilingual and social commitment.

This training is both theoretical and practical and includes language radio, the radio genres, news, coverage of sources, and especially the gender perspective from the news that they themselves generate.

Women in training receive educational materials (exercise books and pens) as well as a training manual for radio Aymara women, developed to facilitate training.

As part of the practice stage, Aymara women must submit news from their communities of origin. This exercise enables them to receive their credentials management communicators during 2011.



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